Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Stash Report

I can't believe another week has gone by!  So far, so good for my 2012 stash report.  Other than to drop off my machine for cleaning, I have stayed out of my local quilt stores and I've been deleting the online fabric store's emails as soon as I get them.  I figure if I need something I'll buy it, but no browsing!  It tends to just get me in trouble!

With my machine getting it's yearly check-up I haven't been sewing, but I've been a cutting fool!

I have more than enough purple tumblers cut out for a top that fits the qualifications for the Quilting Angels.  I think these will make a really pretty quilt!

I've also started cutting out triangles.  Not as many as the tumblers, but I'm sure I'll have enough for a quilt top by the end of the day.  The Go Baby cutter sure does make the cutting go fast! 

My only problem is I still have a ton of purple fabric leftover!  I had really wanted to eliminate more from my stash!  I'll have to think about what else I can do with it.

I also haven't decided how I'm going to count this fabric on the stash report.  I'm donating it, but I don't meet with the group again until later in the month.  I think I will count it out then!  See I have a rule that any fabric that comes into my house from them doesn't count.  So even if I bring one of these quilt kits home to work on later, they still technically aren't mine.  Does that make sense? 

So until I count anything out my numbers are the same as last week.

Added this week: 0 yards
Added YTD: 0 yards
Used this week: 0 yards
Used YTD: 0 yards

Net added/used YTD: 0.

It's still early, so I'm pleased.  I still have plenty of time.  To see how everyone else did this week, go to Judy's.


krisgray said...

Purple is one of the most difficult colors for me to buy. I have a hard time finding a shade I like. Great way to make that stash useable! I need to schedule some time to use my Baby on a bunch of scraps.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those are great purples! and yes , I agree with your methods ;-)!!